
list all column info

select column_name,data_type, table_name from information_schema.columns
where table_name in (select Name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>=0)



    protected static List<ColumnType> Distinct<ColumnType>(string columnName, string condition, bool ignoreNull); protected static bool Exists(string condition); public bool ExistsById(); public bool ...

    ORM及代码生成器C#源码(最新版V4.5.8.5、非常适于ASP.NET MVC)

    protected static List<ColumnType> Distinct<ColumnType>(string columnName, string condition, bool ignoreNull); protected static bool Exists(string condition); public bool ExistsById(); public bool ...


    protected static List<ColumnType> Distinct<ColumnType>(string columnName, string condition, bool ignoreNull); protected static bool Exists(string condition); public bool ExistsById(); public bool ...


    非常好用的CListCtrl加强版。 从CListCtrl继承,完全...• The current state of the list view control (column widths, column order, hidden columns, and sort column and direction) can be saved and restored.

    编程珠玑全部源代码 分享

    Column 12: Generate a sorted list of random integers sortedrand.cpp -- Several algorithms for the task. Column 13: Set representations for the problem in Column 12 sets.cpp -- Several data ...

    OutlookAttachView v2.73

    the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take...


    CurrPorts displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, ...

    SQL Prompt_9.2.2.5855破解版

    SP-7098: Fixed a bug where re-sorting the list of code analysis issues caused all expanders to collapse (when grouping by issue type). SP-7131 : Fix crashes that occur when using a new licence.

    powerbuilder CrazySQLSource 3.9.2源码

    学习Powerbuilder的好东西,里面有很多好控件,源码,作者已近停止更新,最新版4.0,可惜下载不到,这是我以前下载的,现在网上也... <at this point you should see a list of all countries in the country_tb table>


    Enumerate / List all the packages staged in the current driver store. Export the list as CSV. Add a driver package to the driver store (called staging) Install & Add a driver package to the store. ...

    NextSuite5 v8.2012 Delphi 7 - XE2 Full Source (Aug 8 2012)

    Duplicate exiting column and add it into list. added: LastAdded property in TNxColumns class. added: RevertStyle method in TNxCustomColumn class. Call RevertStyle method of Grid. added: BestFitRow...

    plsqldev13.0.0.1882x32主程序+ v12中文包+keygen

    The editor now highlights corresponding value expressions when the cursor is in an insert column list. Previously this only worked when the cursor was in the insert values list. The editor now ...


    参数列表:-1, --oneline: display one entry per line-a, --all: show dot files-b, --binary: use binary (power of two) file sizes-B, --bytes: list file sizes in bytes, without prefixes-d, --list-dirs: ...


    var list = $.cookie("list"); //获取cookie里的list值 //alert(list) var arrColumn = list.split('|'); $.each(arrColumn, function(m, n) { var elemId = n.split(':')[0]; //容器ID //debugger; var ...


    MiniOrm-for-Android是什么?...List list1 = teacherDao.getQueryBuilder().callQuery().queryAll().where(Where.handle().and(column, ", lastid).and(column, ">", lastid - 标签:MiniOrm

    MYSQL 详解

    SQL 介绍 GRANT {ALL | permission_list} ON {table_name [(column_list)] | view_name [(column_list)] | stored_procedure_name | extended_stored_procedure_name} TO {PUBLIC | name_list}


    To get a list of all groups 153 To get the nodes and elements associated to the current group 153 To get result values for specified elements 154 Appendix B 163 Strings & String Functions 163 ...


    Nodejs SQL解析器 使用访问的tableList,columnList将简单SQL语句解析为抽象语法树(AST),然后将其转换回SQL。 :star: 特征支持用分号分隔的多个sql语句支持选择,删除,更新和插入类型支持放置,截断和重命名命令...


    - [-u ] colstats stats for each table, column - [-u ] tabstats stats for each table - params []: view all parameters, even hidden ones - snap: view all snapshots status - bc: view contents of ...

    DBGridPro new

    DBGridPro features list RAD-Studio technologies support TDBGridPro is one of the basic components included in the RAD-Studio suite and supports all RAD-Studio concepts. Multilevel layout of column ...

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